Clowns visit to Hospital in Samarkand

Clowns visit to Hospital in Samarkand

On 11 September, we went to a hospital in Samarkand. The clowns are warmly welcomed by the staff. You can tell from their happy faces that they enjoy having the clowns there. The clowns played and there was a lot of fun, the atmosphere in the ward had completely changed.

Afterwards I gave feedback on the clowns play, the clown characters and about doing games. In some of the hospitals in Samarkand, children are gathered in one place so that the clowns can play for them. This way, it is difficult to play individually for the children, which is why we actually want this to change. However, it does not prove easy to change this habit of hospital staff.

Improvising for a larger group is not always easy, which is why the clowns sometimes resort to doing games with the children. But that comes with a problem. With games you often have a winner, which is usually the strongest, the fastest or the smartest. Instead, we want to play for the most vulnerable children. Therefore, we aim to change the habits of the hospital staff so that individual play can take place. Because when the clown plays from fantasy, there are no losers.

No pictures of playing this time. Coaching and taking pretty pictures at the same time is not always possible.

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